Wednesday, May 20, 2015

No Such Thing As Synthetic Marijuana

There's no such thing as "synthetic" marijuana. That stuff they're calling "synthetic marijuana" is poison and has absolutely NO marijuana in it.

Do NOT put that stuff in your lungs!

It can kill you


make you wish you was dead...

~ neurological damage is nothing to take lightly ~

some "highs" are just not worth it


Georgie, Jay-Z & Beyonce Were Lovers

Think of the tune to "Frankie and Johnnie".
Now: Georgie, Jay-Z and Beyonce were lovers...Ba-boom-boom-boom, how they could love...

Anyone still in doubt about what a Black-faced Caucasianist is?

You are now referred to one of many stories on the subject, brought to you via the Spirit of Exposure loosed in Earth by Motuphi recently.

"In those days...all things done in secret will be brought to the light..."


funding riots and the implementation of Martial Law for the Caucasianists



The Difference It Makes At This Point

Well, Hitlery/Killery, that's an easy question to answer:

You now must be time looped as your victims and the victims of your decisions.

Then, you'll be time looped as slaves to repay the mechanism for all of your ill-gotten gain at the starting rate (before compounded "interest") of $900,000 per penny.

Then, you'll be eternally executed to never exist in this simulation to contaminate it nor will you exist in the real version of this Earth.

That's what difference it does make, at this point.

Still not blushing about sucking that dog's dick 'till you're cum-drunk while pumping that huge cucumber up your ass? Well, that'd be less embarrassing (and less harmful to others) than what you've been up to; huh, Girl?



Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Darryl Nelson Of Terrace Shopper Is Reaping What He Sowed For Stealing From Homeless Couple In 1999

It was 16 years ago now. Darryl Nelson owned the Holiday Food and Liquor store on the corner of Munson Ave and Bunker Hill Rd. There was a hotel across the street on the shoreline. A young couple, Lisa Marie and Vincent Ciofani, who’d fallen on down times and were homeless, secured a job as the managers of the hotel. It didn’t pay enough, so Vincent decided to try working for Darryl at the store across the street.
Vincent was suffering from the physical and emotional sicknesses one suffers when enduring homelessness, but he wanted to help his wife get more money to survive on and took the job. He worked for Darryl for a couple of days and quit when he saw something he didn’t like about the way some food was handled (he never specified in his recount of the experience, but we suspect he was grossed out by something he saw there and was just too dignified to tell anyone).
Darryl Nelson turned into a white devil prick who refused to pay Vincent the money that he owed him for working in the store. He taunted Vincent over the phone and refused to pay him. Then, Nelson used his pull with the owner of the hotel to get the couple fired from their job. They were immediately fired and had to go back to living in their car, all because Vincent made the mistake of working for Darryl Nelson.
This experience caused the couple to go on a downward spiral that saw them enduring one hardship after another for years. Before leaving the area, Vincent made repeated attempts to get his money from Darryl Nelson, the great and terrible white devil. Darryl Nelson stole Vincent’s money and caused his wife to lose her job.
Motuphi didn’t like what happened to the couple and enacted a compound combination curse batch upon Darryl Nelson and his entire bloodline. Plus, the debt was applied to Darryl’s spirit at a rate of $900,000 per penny owed to Vincent, compounded by the passing second, to be collected by Vincent in the time loops of judgement (after Darryl dies): Darryl Nelson will not graduate from this simulation now. Darryl’s spirit will be time looped as slaves to repay the mechanism for stealing blessings from God’s end time Elect…
A whole lot of seconds have passed since Darryl molested Vincent’s life and stole his money while he was homeless and starving, so he owes Vincent TRILLIONS of dollars now. Vincent will supervise Darryl’s time loops, personally, a perk for being an Elect who suffered at the hands of a nonexistent monster premonition. Vincent will get to whip Darryl while Darryl is in the body of male slaves and rape Darryl while he’s in the bodies of female slaves (whatever happened back then can be relived for punishment and restitution). This will also be the fate of Darryl’s bloodline, like his monster-spawning mama and papa, and his kids who will never exist now that Darryl will be time looped and eternally executed to never contaminate the world with his self-importance and oppression of the poor.
So, Darryl Nelson lost everything over that stolen $30 and molestation of a homeless couples’ life. He does not exist, even now, yet he does not even know it…He’s so cocky in his nonexistence. He forgot about what he did to that homeless couple, but God and the cosmos never forgot and have been tallying up the debt accrued by the second.
Good riddance, Darryl Nelson, you thieving thug! The New (real version of) Earth will be so much better-off without you and your spoiled-assed bloodline. Betcha thought you got away with it just because lightning didn’t immediately strike you.
Darryl Nelson did not know that he was on a simulation of the Earth in the future. Nor did he know that his spirit is being scanned for real existence viability. Nelson also was oblivious to spirit memory and the facts that it records everything; thoughts, deeds, omissions, experiences, words, what’s seen, what’s heard, what’s felt, etc; and that his spirit memory is non-tamperable and non-erase-able until he is time looped and eternally executed to never be allowed to perpetuate the offenses for which he was punished.
The scan performed its function perfectly in the case of Darryl Nelson: He went out of his way to negatively effect a homeless couple, not knowing that they were spiritually protected and marked as “Elect”, showing his true colors and how he’d be a detriment to any real existence scenarios.
God gave blessings to the Ciofani’s that Nelson stole for sheer meanness. You don’t just walk away from that…Not even Obama’s massas got away with that shit, ‘lest we forget the consequences for the penalties for not buying ObamaCare and how it threw monkey wrenches into everything the government now hopes to accomplish against God’s end time Elect (not to mention the time loops they’re in store for as victims and slaves).
Darryl Nelson robbed people. It’s just a fact. Now, should Darryl be exempt from being robbed? Is he that retarded? He never tried to offer Lisa and Vincent restitution. For all he knows, God had intentions for the Ciofani’s to take over that hotel. Instead, Vincent cursed the woman who owned the hotel and Darryl and his family and business…Then, Motuphi backed it and devils and angels entered this mechanism to work in collusion together against them…Now, that hotel is gone…Proof that this is no joke: You do not fuck with God’s end time Elect and get away with it…You’ll pay here and then pay beyond here when you die…It’s just not smart.

Monday, May 11, 2015

MI Sec of State Says “Marijuana Cures Cancer”

Marijuana Cures Cancer

This shemale will speak for the Michigan Secretary of State as long as they’re illegally raping him/her of his/her driver’s license with hearing officer Odrobina’s incompetence and abuse of her authority that resulted in her denying scientific FACT (a clean drug screen) while accepting a cartoonish opinion and illegal (FICAA law violating) “diagnosis” from Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services as a judging platform.
The requirement that alcohol related driving offenders must submit to DRUG screens and evaluations for license restoration is ILLEGAL and a violation of FICAA healthcare privacy laws. Then, when you illegally ignore scientific FACT (a clean drug screen) to issue further revocation on someone’s driver’s license based on their religious beliefs and their possession of a medical marijuana card and NOT on that individual’s actual usage, you’ve exposed that you’re either incompetent, a power drunken authority abuser, or both.
Plus: Odrobina, in her haste to rape this individual of her/his rights, denied Vincent Ciofani the benefit of the Map 21 law that Obama himself signed off on that requires all who fit Ciofani’s criteria who may still be a risk for drinking and driving to be given a restricted driver’s license with an ignition interlock (breathalizer starter) stipulation. Odrobina violated law and protocol when she failed to at least issue that level of restoration after not having a driver’s license for 32 YEARS (his entire adult life) over 3 ALCOHOL related offenses when he was a kid (teenager). Because Ciofani was not a risk for drinking and driving due to his abstinence and physical aversions to alcohol and chemical drugs, Odrobina opted to deprive Ciofani the benefit of the Map 21 law, which is illegal abuse of power.
Odrobina and Chris seager need to be fired and Kyle Legel should never call himself an “attorney” again if he cannot even defeat this level of blatant government corruption and targeting of a transgender person. Ciofani has a lawsuit and eventually a REAL lawyer will help him sue Michigan Secretary of State for $22-million, that’s $1-million for every year that passed since he fulfilled the requirements to get his license back (22 years ago) and was denied justice by yet another alcohol swilling white devil “hearing officer” who also took an immediate disliking to Ciofani and illegally deprived him of restoration just like Odrobina did in December of 2014.
Ciofani also has a lawsuit against Catholic Human Services and Chris Seager for the character assassination and assault on his integrity and for violating Federal HIPAA laws by putting Ciofani’s PRIVATE (Federally protected?) healthcare information in her report for the purpose of jamming him up and depriving him of a driver’s license restoration (as molested bullies tend to do). Seager is a typical cycle completing molester of lives. She even waits outside for interviewees to see if they drove themselves to the interviews (that Secretary of State ILLEGALLY requires of alcohol related offenders) so she can jam them up in her “reports”. Seager is a classic white devil monster who thinks it’s her job to jam people up. She is NOT qualified to be a substance abuse counselor as long as she is so grossly ignorant of the health benefits of marijuana and the Psy-Ops against it (perpetuated by the government and big pharma and doctors who are their minions) that so thoroughly molded her opinions about marijuana FOR her (typical molested mind in power she should not have).
As long as Michigan Secretary of State illegally denies Vincent Ciofani his driver’s license restoration due to the bullying and incompetence of the molested bull-dykes who are raping him (Odrobina and Seager), the messages of the health benefits of marijuana will be brought to the public as if they’re coming directly from the Secretary of State.

When the Michigan Secretary of State stops raping Vincent Ciofani and issues him his driver’s license, the messages going forth on their behalf will stop.
Help us spread the word for Michigan Secretary of State about the health benefits of marijuana and forward this email and post it on your sites!
Thanx in advance, Freedom Fighters, for joining this online protest against government corruption, abuse of power, and rights violations!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

"the Girl" self-collab from vid sample

the Girl/Void Vid Sampled: I sampled the guitar/vocal video and added Bass, guitars and back-up vocals; which is what I've been calling "video sampling". This is my 6th video sample (I believe, I lost count). This is one of my own songs from a coupla' years ago. the download is at and the mp3 is at or at ~~ This is a Pseudo Punk original...Pseudo Punk is a genre I created in Detroit about 22 years ago. It's still the ugly step-child that the music industry does not want to acknowledge. But it's not going anywhere, because I did lotsa' Pseudo Punk jams just like this one that people love and won't forget about; so they may as well relent and concede and give it props. This version of the video is using the better (polished) audio I used for the Bela Culo video and the downloads. I tried using youtube video editor to switch the audio, but the gestapo-poes at youtube want me to "prove" I can use my own audio from the other video just to monetize it, after requiring me to creative commons it just to attempt it in the first place. It's easier and faster and more dignified to just remake the video in my own computer with my own audio, which is what I had to do. Youtube does not get it: that their fantabulous video editor is useless if you still can't freely use the content they provide....


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Why Aliens Do Not Matter video

Why Aliens Do Not Matter...Just because something is introduced into this spirit scan device that our species is not familiar with does not make it "alien" or "extraterrestrial". This video uses found art from youtube and other sources, as well as recycled media, to better educate and convey the audio message. No intent to infringe on any copyright nor do I take credit for anyone else's media.


Friday, February 20, 2015

Help Repeal MCL 257.303

MCL 257.303 is a monstrous white devil law imposed simply to target certain individuals and deprive them of their rights to the pursuit of happiness for the rest of their lives.
This law is constantly abused by evil white devil bull-dykes, like Chris Seager of Catholic Services and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State; as was exposed by Vincent Nick Ciofani when he attempted to get his driver's license restored after 32 years of revocation. Ciofani was denied restoration due to an illegal "diagnosis" (by Seager) of "marijuana dependency" even though Ciofani had stated his abstinence at the time and had a clean drug screen to prove it. Seager based her illegal diagnosis based on Ciofani's words and religious beliefs (that he has the religious and legal right to use medical marijuana for his health issues, like high blood pressure, psychotic bipolar disorder -- to control his rages, and cancer -- which marijuan has been helping him to keep at bay). Seager did NOT base her illegal diagnosis on Ciofani's actual usage, but rather on his religious beliefs regarding marijuana and the fact that he has a medical marijuana card, which is ILLEGAL.

When Ciofani went before Hearing Officer Odrobina, she refused to accept the fact that Ciofani was abstinent and had not been using medical marijuana. His PSA levels elevated during that "fast" of medical marijuana treatment, more evidence of his abstinence (in case the clean drug test was not enough). Hearing Officer Odrobina failed to do her duty as a hearing officer of the Secretary of State, which was to afford Ciofani JUSTICE in her presence. Instead, Hearing Officer Odrobina opted to join Chris Seager in her ongoing molestation and assault of Ciofani's character and integrity...Ciofani was illegally denied driver's license restoration by Odrobina, who refused to accept the facts about Ciofani (that he is ill, has the right to medicate, and has the right to license restoration after so long of a punishment, 32 years revoked, that does not fit the crime).

Ciofani incurred psychological damages due to Seager's illegal and lie-filled "diagnosis" and began to feel as if he was being constantly "raped" of his right to be a healthy independent man. This was all done in violation of Federal HIPAA laws. It was just as illegal as if Seager had given someone a "diagnosis" of chemical drug dependency due to prescriptions from a doctor for Tylenol 3 or Valium or Oxycodone. It violates Federal law, and Ciofani has a lawsuit and is seeking legal representation for the violations perpetuated by Seager and by Odrobina, who violated the intent of the law being as Ciofani had been deprived of a driver's license for 32 years already (all of his adult life).

Ciofani had hopes to secure employment as a delivery driver with a northern Michigan company (he actually had the job lined up) so that he could get off of SSI, which is the same thing that happened to him when he tried to get his driver's license back 22 years ago (a drunken white devil fag decided he did not like Ciofani and abused his power by depriving Ciofani of a restoration he fulfilled all the requirements and other criteria for).

This is a call to action!
If you do not like government corruption or white devil level oppression, then participate in this battle!

Ciofani needs funding for legal representation!
His mailing address is:
Vincent Ciofani
POB 105
Grayling, MI 49738

or even make a site donation!

You can also petition your local legislators and lawmakers!

You can send millions of letters to the Michigan Secretary of State on Ciofani's behalf!

You can call Cathlolic Human Services at St. Mary's in Grayling and demand the resignation of Chris Seager for her character assassination that she thought she'd get away with!

You can bombard the Secretary of State with demands that Odrobina be fired!

You can demand that those 2 evil man-hating bull-dykes be deprived of THEIR driver's licenses for their crimes against Ciofani and other vulnerable adults like him!

Help us send the message to those unAmerican man-hating bull-dykes who abused their power and deprived Ciofani of a truthful (fact-based) diagnosis and a restoration of his driver's license: That they can NOT get away with violating the rights of vulnerable adults (Vincent Ciofani is on SSI and is a vulnerable adult and they both knew that and violated his rights, anyway).

Vincent Ciofani needs a good lawyer to undo how badly Kyle Legel (the "attorney" he hired) flubbed this hearing opportunity...
Ciofani should be licensed, working, and off of SSI by now. The fact that Ciofani is not driving by now is a clear violation of his rights as an American and it is a clear abuse of power, authority, and the law, itself.

Do NOT wait until government corruption attacks and incapacitates YOU like it did Ciofani!
HELP us defy those white devil bull-dykes!

All hot young women with clean driver's licenses who wanna hang-out with Ciofani, drive him around, smoke down with him, learn to play guitar (or make adult vids or learn to be money makers in alternative entertainment) should contact Ciofani...He'll make room for the right hottie who can be dedicated to him and the cause and he'll keep ya' smoking as a direct stab back at Seager for her atrocious rape of his character and integrity which was nothing less than a terrorist attack on his life (when she decided that she had the right to dictate that Ciofani should not be allowed to have a driver's license, or a job he needs it for, because he does not believe like she does and Odrobina was just another corrupt government bumbling idiot zombie-slave-clone who believed the lying bull-dyke over Ciofani's character references and FACTUAL SCIENCE in the form of a clean drug test).

Seager manipulated her words and the mind of another retarded bull-dyke (Odrobina) to twist the law in her favor. She's a monstrous life-molester who needs to see one of her victims defeat her executive orders and be liberated in spite of (abused) "power".

MCL 257.303 has got to go!

Let's get OFFENSIVE on these corrupt bull-dykes and liberate their latest captive!


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