Marijuana Cures Cancer
This shemale will speak for the Michigan Secretary of State as long as they’re illegally raping him/her of his/her driver’s license with hearing officer Odrobina’s incompetence and abuse of her authority that resulted in her denying scientific FACT (a clean drug screen) while accepting a cartoonish opinion and illegal (FICAA law violating) “diagnosis” from Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services as a judging platform.
The requirement that alcohol related driving offenders must submit to DRUG screens and evaluations for license restoration is ILLEGAL and a violation of FICAA healthcare privacy laws. Then, when you illegally ignore scientific FACT (a clean drug screen) to issue further revocation on someone’s driver’s license based on their religious beliefs and their possession of a medical marijuana card and NOT on that individual’s actual usage, you’ve exposed that you’re either incompetent, a power drunken authority abuser, or both.
Plus: Odrobina, in her haste to rape this individual of her/his rights, denied Vincent Ciofani the benefit of the Map 21 law that Obama himself signed off on that requires all who fit Ciofani’s criteria who may still be a risk for drinking and driving to be given a restricted driver’s license with an ignition interlock (breathalizer starter) stipulation. Odrobina violated law and protocol when she failed to at least issue that level of restoration after not having a driver’s license for 32 YEARS (his entire adult life) over 3 ALCOHOL related offenses when he was a kid (teenager). Because Ciofani was not a risk for drinking and driving due to his abstinence and physical aversions to alcohol and chemical drugs, Odrobina opted to deprive Ciofani the benefit of the Map 21 law, which is illegal abuse of power.
Odrobina and Chris seager need to be fired and Kyle Legel should never call himself an “attorney” again if he cannot even defeat this level of blatant government corruption and targeting of a transgender person. Ciofani has a lawsuit and eventually a REAL lawyer will help him sue Michigan Secretary of State for $22-million, that’s $1-million for every year that passed since he fulfilled the requirements to get his license back (22 years ago) and was denied justice by yet another alcohol swilling white devil “hearing officer” who also took an immediate disliking to Ciofani and illegally deprived him of restoration just like Odrobina did in December of 2014.
Ciofani also has a lawsuit against Catholic Human Services and Chris Seager for the character assassination and assault on his integrity and for violating Federal HIPAA laws by putting Ciofani’s PRIVATE (Federally protected?) healthcare information in her report for the purpose of jamming him up and depriving him of a driver’s license restoration (as molested bullies tend to do). Seager is a typical cycle completing molester of lives. She even waits outside for interviewees to see if they drove themselves to the interviews (that Secretary of State ILLEGALLY requires of alcohol related offenders) so she can jam them up in her “reports”. Seager is a classic white devil monster who thinks it’s her job to jam people up. She is NOT qualified to be a substance abuse counselor as long as she is so grossly ignorant of the health benefits of marijuana and the Psy-Ops against it (perpetuated by the government and big pharma and doctors who are their minions) that so thoroughly molded her opinions about marijuana FOR her (typical molested mind in power she should not have).
As long as Michigan Secretary of State illegally denies Vincent Ciofani his driver’s license restoration due to the bullying and incompetence of the molested bull-dykes who are raping him (Odrobina and Seager), the messages of the health benefits of marijuana will be brought to the public as if they’re coming directly from the Secretary of State.
When the Michigan Secretary of State stops raping Vincent Ciofani and issues him his driver’s license, the messages going forth on their behalf will stop.
Help us spread the word for Michigan Secretary of State about the health benefits of marijuana and forward this email and post it on your sites!
Thanx in advance, Freedom Fighters, for joining this online protest against government corruption, abuse of power, and rights violations!