Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Meanwhile, At The Nunnery

Comedic satire about what's really happening in this world in this era in this temporary premonition timeline. Nun being sodomized (anally-raped) by a Muslim Islamic infidel (To God, an infidel is anyone who claims to know or love Him who denies the deity of His clone/son, Jesus Christ, making the Muslims the infidels to he who matters most).


Friday, June 10, 2016

John and Rubi Danish Video Chat


Published on Jun 10, 2016
This is a dramatization.
http://RubiDanish.blogspot.com RubiDanish.blogspot.com/ 
Hire me on fiverr at https://www.fiverr.com/rubidanish www.fiverr.com/rubidanish



Hire me to do a personalized video for YOU at



Monday, May 23, 2016

Threat To Whitey PRE Release Purchasing Info!

Anything perceived as remotely "political" usually takes a little longer to get cleared for conventional online release at places like iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, etc. Such may be the case with releases like "Classified" and "Threat To Whitey" by CIOFANI.
The long delay provides you with an opportunity to explore the other file format and streaming options available on the CIOFANI bandcamp page.

Before you get your phone or computer disabled with malware from "FREE" mp3 sites that come up in search results with virus laden mp3s, this better, safer option is right here at your fingertips.

Plus, you can get the fatter files that are more desirable for putting the songs on CDs  for the same price  the other retailers charge for the mp3s!

Bandcamp offers superior streaming options, too; if you're the type of GOOD fan who wants more of the profits to go to the artist YOU like, instead of some lame mainstream artist who'll be credited for "drawing" you to their streaming sites and then will be given a percentage of the monies generated from YOUR plays of YOUR fav artist.

Where you stream from makes a difference...You either benefit the artist you're listening to, or you benefit the mainstream artists being credited for making you like that music, even though they are not complicit in your music choices.

Go to http://ciofani.bandcamp.com/ to get YOUR copy of 

Threat To Whitey



Sunday, May 22, 2016

Threat To Whitey -- CIOFANI

Published on May 22, 2016
This song is about the trolls that inferior rappers create out of their fans. The lyrics are: 
(Hook) Lookin' like a fool. Actin' like a bug. Trollin' on the web. Wannabe a cyber thug. You could fill a book with what I'm never gonna do. Never gonna be a threat to Whitey like you.
- Why do other rappers hate their fans? Keep 'em dumbed-down, mental minions for the Man? Put 'em in cells or send 'em off to Hell? Doin' Whitey's bidding and gettin' paid well. 3rd grade lyrics. (Always) Dissin' in their rhymes. Instead of liberatin', they brag about their crimes. Inferior mentality: They got no shame! Wanna pass the buck, when there's no-one else to blame! Crappin' on some art and callin' it a "hit". They drop the bar so low, all I gotta do is sit. Feeble little phantoms got 'em hypnotized to fall. Too weak to elevate 'em, so they teach 'em how to crawl. (to Hook)
- - Racial epithets and spewin' anti-words; Chauvinistic views and every lie they ever heard. Cyber beats and whackness, total lack of flow. Never told the truth. Not carin' if you know. Writin' like they're dumb, nothin' for the educated. As idols to the weak, they're highly over-rated. Glamorizin' greed and parasitic deeds. Gross retardation in their online feeds! How to counter Whitey, never to be shared. Hollow-headed clowns with their tiny minds ensnared. Never set examples of doin' somethin' good: Never see 'em beautifyin' or restorin' the old 'hood. (to Hook)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Classified -- CIOFANI -- Lyrics

Published on May 18, 2016
How? How? How?
- How? How does this keep playin' on? Can't appeal to empathy. Intelligence is gone. God is gettin' angrier, it's showin' in the Sun. Insanity is prevalent. They're too insane to run. Torturing creations of the Entity Who's Boss. Ensuring that He'll see 'em as infections, not a loss. Crushing out the frequencies that could be utilized to deter ELEs that threaten all our lives.
(HOOK) How? How is you my equal, if you won't care for God or His animals or people? How? How're you not classified as "evil" if you let 'em trip you up until your mind's so feeble?
-- Dominated species got reprogrammed with a glitch: They don't wanna work, but they all wanna be rich. Zeroes tell 'em lies: "Go get rich or die tryin'." When they're dyin' in the street, can they see that they was lyin'? 3 4 seconds from being Whitey's tool. Regurgitating lies. There for triggerin' the fools. Bustin' down their fans as sacrifices for The Man. Enslaved imaginations. (Now) They're robotized, as planned. (to HOOK)
--- You can't have this information. It's all been Classified. Your mind was commandeered: A fancy place to dock their lies...All who dare defy 'em: public lynchin's, like Bill C. Every time I try to tell you, their new mission is "kill" me. I'll code it in my rhymes, geek you up to just "Rise UP!" But, unto the complacent, even that won't be enough. If we fail, with proper language, for the bills in power halls, if they manage to divide - divide and conquer's how we'll fall. (to HOOK)
Words and music by Vincent Ciofani
You can get this song prior to conventional (iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, etc) release (in a week or two) at my bandcamp page. Go tohttp://ciofani.bandcamp.com/ you can even get a bigger file there for putting on a mix CD! ciofani.bandcamp.com

Saturday, May 14, 2016

How To Make YOUR Music Vote COUNT -- Change The Mainstream

How to make your opinion COUNT in the music industry:
Okay. You SAY you want better Rap/Hip-Hop and how much you appreciate when someone like me goes the extra mile to produce such cuts for you to enjoy. But you'll never change the opinions and formats of the music programmers and what the label execs seek out if you pirate your fav underground rap instead of buying the mp3 from a reputable online retailer like iTunes or Spotify or Amazon, etc.
All the music industry is looking at is SALES. Your pirated mp3 not only robbed the artist of the percentage they'll get from that lost sale, but you also deprived your self of logging in a cheap VOTE into the machine that is the music mainstream. Pirating the mp3 you like robbed you of SHARING that preference with the big wigs in entertainment. The artist may never get taken serious, even though you think they're awesome and should be on the radio.
You saved a buck, or less, in most cases; but lost so much more than that, if you think about it. The ripple effects are that the sale never got made to get reported to Billboard and other monitors of sales, the sales that determine which artists they'll try to sign to lucrative record deals and who'll get played on the radio. Then, the same artists that you don't like stay in place and remain unchallenged as better. It's a way of silencing your own opinion by being too cheap to part with less than a cup of coffee costs at the gas station.
I've got some good songs that are being pirated online. It would be nice for those of you who pirated me to buy at least ONE of the songs you liked, to throw a few pennies my way and to log in your vote for my better material.
I KNOW you guys love the "Prophecy" series I did. The best, in my opinion, is "Acknowledge Me", which was the final mix of the series. To find it, you'd do a search on your fav mp3 retailer site for CIOFANI Acknowledge Me Rap/Hip-Hop and it should come up...Some places, it's less than a buck, like on Amazon.
If you liked "Retarded" enough to pirate it, then log in a cheap vote for BOTH of us by buying the mp3!
For real, this is how it works. Pirating hurts you, too.
I could use a few people out there to put their money where their mouth is and log a few cheap votes my way...Then, you have the official mp3 and your vote into the giant music machine to be logged forever that you liked the song enough to actually BUY it instead of stealing it.
If you're gonna check out my stuff and find that you don't like either of the above songs I mentioned, just search for CIOFANI and see what else comes up. There's also a couple of Jazz fusion songs out there that you may like.
Someone share this info...It's not doing artists any good to produce songs if the opinion of those monitoring that production is that nobody likes it, anyway.


Friday, May 13, 2016

Acknowledge Me "Prophecy" -- CIOFANI -- Rap/Hip-Hop Available NOW!! re-mix explicit lyrics

this de-Bassed remix of "Prophecy" sounded too different to call it the same thing, so I renamed this version. This is closer to a radio friendly sound, for those who prefer it that way. words and music by Vincent Ciofani
buy me at http://ciofani.bandcamp.com/track/ack... 
#Ciofani #VincentCiofani #Rap #HipHop

Available NOW at any reputable online mp3 retailer!!

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Pope can't hurt you while the Catholic Church is raping me

Published on Aug 31, 2015
The Pope can't hurt you now that Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services in Grayling raped me in the catholic church and gave me authority over the church until such time as tribute and restoration has been made for the ongoing rape I'm still enduring.
I forgot to mention that China will continue to suffer for helping the U.S. with the internet censoring and page deflections, and for not having the proper mentality about their atrocities that they want to hide instead of stop. As one of the end time Elect who's suffering the tactics taught by China, I stand in authority over China until they evolve and become a country that has HONOR (like the Japanese). Plus, the gold they're selling off is God's, Christ's and Lucifer's and I already told China to deliver it to me if they don't want to get God-smacked into nonexistence...China, you cannot keep gold you made on the backs of slaves and via atrocities against your own people, land, resources and your very AIR (smogged out due to greed, power drunkenness and gluttony). You must develop HONOR now, says GOD, whose turf (planet) you're on. This planet is in HIS mechanism, not your own. You no longer have the right to cause unnecessary suffering nor do you have the right to foster willful disregard for those suffering in your nation, and that even goes for the animals. Grow some shame, China, learn to blush at your evil mentality that has you trying to hide the atrocities that you should be trying to stop, altogether.
I turn 51 today, August 31st, 2015. It's said that 51 is a "Satanic" age...We'll see. I'm looking forward to anything to do with Satan because he'll be doing great works for GOD (like stopping the unnecessary suffering and Fukushima and the bankers and big pharma and the Earth coolant/oil thieves and the Muslim/Islamic infidels who are more evil than he is because they're infidels who deny the deity of the One he comes here impersonating). Plus, he's a time marker of something Greater approaching, something we won't be looking for because we think He's already here.


I pirated this blog for fundraising purposes: To raise funds for a Real Doll so I can have sex again, since women got too retarded to have sex with without feeling like a diddler of the feeble-minded. This is the dilemma that Satan will face when he returns. Perhaps you should fund my GRS, so he can have an intelligent woman to return to.

You can send donations snail mail to

Vincent Ciofani
POB 105
Grayling, MI 49738

or online via the site donation button


Search for CIOFANI at your fav online mp3 retailer and buy one of my mp3s!

Reciprocating Life-Rape Upon White Devils

Published on Sep 3, 2015
From the spirit realm, I'm reciprocating the life-rape perpetuated on me last year by MI Secretary Of Sate (ahem) "Hearing Officer" (that's a stretch) Odrobina, Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services (Grayling), and (ahem) "attorney" Kyle Legel (Gaylord), who held their coats while they raped my life instead of properly representing and defending me (and getting my driver's license restored) like I paid him to do. Now, all white devils who dare even think like I don't want them to think get life-rape curses and devils attached to them, their lives, their safety, their health, their bloodlines, their economy, etc., and their spirits are taxed to protect the real world from them. I look for white devils to cross lines with me now so I can make cartoonish examples of them from the spiritual realm. 
Just tag this one "Justice denied gets white devils' lives fried"...I was denied justice by Catholic Human Services and the Michigan Secretary Of State. Those white devils are raping me right now. I'm blowing my rape whistle and still nobody will intervene! Time to reciprocate that willful disregard, too. Yep.


I pirated this blog for fundraising purposes: To raise funds for a Real Doll so I can have sex again, since women got too retarded to have sex with without feeling like a diddler of the feeble-minded. This is the dilemma that Satan will face when he returns. Perhaps you should fund my GRS, so he can have an intelligent woman to return to.

You can send donations snail mail to

Vincent Ciofani
POB 105
Grayling, MI 49738

or online via the site donation button


Search for CIOFANI at your fav online mp3

 retailer and buy one of my mp3s!

Calling Celebs On Their Influence: 70 MILLION Homeless Pets!

Published on Sep 10, 2015
Calling Celebs On Their Influence: 70 MILLION Homeless Pets! Wait until ya'll and your mamas are time looped as the animals that suffered due to your whack influence! Then, you'll never exist to perpetuate those offenses upon those animals who never did anything to your whack retarded asses!

 #Thicke #Miley #MileyCyrus #Snoop #Dre #Drake #ChrisBrown #Rihanna #Eminem #LebronJames #MichaelVick #AlSharpton #Jessejackson #CeeLoGreene #BlakeShelton #sports #rap #hiphop #Kimye #Kanye #KimKardashian #CaitlynJenner #ParisHilton #Kesha #Beyonce #Jay-Z #DMX #GhostFaceKilla #MissyElliot #TaylorSwift #KobeBryant #KatyPerry #Oprah #WhoopiGoldberg #JustinBieber #BradPitt #JohnnyDepp #ChrisRock #Madonna #BritneySpears #LadyGaga #ZacEfron #JenniferLopez #TomCruise #KanyeWest #OprahWinfrey #JustinTimberlake #BenAffleck #JenniferLawrence #SelenaGomez #MeganFox #GeorgeClooney #NickiMinaj #JimmyFallon #WillSmith #AshtonKutcher #HalleBerry #KhloeKardashian #BrooklynBeckham #RobKardashian #EllenDeGeneres #ShiaLaBeou f#SandraBullock #Ne-Yo #LamarOdom #LindsayLohan #50Cent #Usher #CurtisJackson #SimonCowell #NonexistentVsExistent #CartoonishSignsWonders #TedNugent 
~~ #TrollBait


I pirated this blog for fundraising purposes: To raise funds for a Real Doll so I can have sex again, since women got too retarded to have sex with without feeling like a diddler of the feeble-minded. This is the dilemma that Satan will face when he returns. Perhaps you should fund my GRS, so he can have an intelligent woman to return to.

You can send donations snail mail to

Vincent Ciofani
POB 105
Grayling, MI 49738

or online via the site donation button


Search for CIOFANI at your fav online mp3 retailer and buy one of my mp3s!

Stupid Name Violence Connection

Published on Nov 26, 2015
Discussion on how there seems to be a correlation between the violence and the stupid names.


I pirated this blog for fundraising purposes: To raise funds for a Real Doll so I can have sex again, since women got too retarded to have sex with without feeling like a diddler of the feeble-minded. This is the dilemma that Satan will face when he returns. Perhaps you should fund my GRS, so he can have an intelligent woman to return to.

You can send donations snail mail to

Vincent Ciofani
POB 105
Grayling, MI 49738

or online via the site donation button


Search for CIOFANI at your fav online mp3 retailer and buy one of my mp3s!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Cosby Curses Already Providing Cartoonish Examples

Published on Sep 6, 2015
#CartoonishSignsWonders Yeah, it's gonna get pretty scary for those who participated in the witch hunt against Cosby just so they could pimp shows exhibiting Black weakness, glorifying weak-mindedness, that further perpetuate the dumb-down being used by the Caucasianists.

Tag this one: "Janice Dickinson on-air seizure a cartoonish sign and wonder from God for witch hunting in this age of accountability"


I pirated this blog for fundraising purposes: To raise funds for a Real Doll so I can have sex again, since women got too retarded to have sex with without feeling like a diddler of the feeble-minded. This is the dilemma that Satan will face when he returns. Perhaps you should fund my GRS, so he can have an intelligent woman to return to.

You can send donations snail mail to

Vincent Ciofani
POB 105
Grayling, MI 49738

or online via the site donation button


Search for CIOFANI at your fav online mp3 retailer and buy one of my mp3s!

True History of Rap/Hip-Hop Is Racism & Weakness

Published on Sep 10, 2015
This is a snippet from a video about the consequences for weaponizing weather (and vandalism and terrorism) are the same for the perps, those who influence it, those who enable it, and those who condone it: When they die, they'll by time looped as the men (they could never be equal to) while those men build the structures they vandalized/destroyed, and they'll be time looped as all victims of those offenses.
How Madonna, not having the proper level of talent (passing off sexuality and materialism as "talent"), opened the door for Rap/Hip-Hop to exhibit grotesque racial and mental weakness before the genre even became popular when it destroyed MTV for everyone that MTV was created for just to start their own channel for their "genre", later, anyway. They were so weak-minded and racist that they could only see things in "color" and insisted that Rap was not on MTV due to the color of the rappers. They refused to accept that it was a GENRE thing, as they refused to see that we didn't want (white) Christian and Country and Jazz acts on our Heavy Metal/Rock channel neither. They did not have the levels of talent of the Metal and Rock musicians that we were fans of, who could play Bass and guitars and drums and could SING. The rappers were a bunch of ridiculous ghetto-fabulous racist little clown-shoes who took other peoples' artistic expressions (music it took them years to hone the ability to play) and sh!t all over it with lame talking to the "beat". They had nothing to offer the MTV audience, not even with the betrayal (of the craft) of the Aerosmith sell-outs to Run-DMC, yet they had to bully their way in with "Yo! MTV Raps" which single-handedly destroyed MTV...MTV then lost their audience, US (the Metal and Rock fans who were not stupid enough to be entertained by untalented posers/monsters behind mics), and MTV then resorted to other "shows" (leaving videos behind) as a format, which opened the door for further dumb-down perpetuation upon the masses via reality shows of the utterly talentless and grotesque...All started with the compromise of allowing Madonna to turn music into a secret prostitution ring where talent was no longer on the forefront...Madonna and Sharpton began the perpetuation of the fulfillment of the "5th Woe", which is the death (of the spirituality) of music...Now, real music is not heard, as the sub-spirits stole the culture AND the most spiritual instrument on the planet via drum machines, drum trigger kits, and auto-tune; none of which exist in the real world (nor do the weak-minded who were entertained by it).
How Oprah exposed her Black-Faced Caucasianist agenda when she funded "Selma", which is a direct BACKwards portrayal...The white devil who the movie portrays as the "villain" is actually the person who thought up what MLK did. The president did NOT try to stop MLK, he made the suggestion that he do what he did. NOW you see the REAL Oprah for what she is: bought by the white man to continue to dumb you down with mis-info disguised as "facts"...Selma was a travesty and an assault on all stupid Blacks who won't bother to research the subject matter.
The vile little Caucasianist director of that POS (Selma) took the idea from a magazine ARTICLE! The stupid phantom didn't even bother to do any research! Then, the movie portrays the president as resistant to what HE, himself, suggested! It's such an assault on Black people, especially in their current dumbed down state (due to rap and sports and reality shows), that if a white person had made that movie they'd be protested and "outed" and ostracized. Selma, as you see it, is like a movie made by the KKK, designed to keep Blacks zombified, racist and trigger-able to violence...Well that's what it seems like to any intelligent soul who sees what's happening. Anyone truly "Black" should be ashamed to recommend seeing Selma. It's mind rape, like rap and sports and reality shows.


I pirated this blog for fundraising purposes: To raise funds for a Real Doll so I can have sex again, since women got too retarded to have sex with without feeling like a diddler of the feeble-minded. This is the dilemma that Satan will face when he returns. Perhaps you should fund my GRS, so he can have an intelligent woman to return to.

You can send donations snail mail to

Vincent Ciofani
POB 105
Grayling, MI 49738

or online via the site donation button


Search for CIOFANI at your fav online mp3 retailer and buy one of my mp3s!

You Could Be 'Possessed' & Not Even Know It

Published on Oct 20, 2015
1st off: you can't be possessed by fallen angels because they had bodies and have been gone since pre Noah flood. You can't be possessed by Lucifer (or Satan) because of the real body factor and the fact that he has not been in this mechanism for 2,000 years (or so) and has been unable to communicate with humans for the duration.
There's no such thing as "demonic" possession because demons are man (subhumans controlled by sub-spirits) made mythical entities (just like Baphomet, who does not exist and is not associated to Satan in reality).
The "spiritual wickedness in high places" refers to sub-spirits (A.I.) who control subhumans with power and influence and this was spoken while Satan was still on Earth (in this mechanism) and therefore was not referring to him.



I pirated this blog for fundraising purposes: To raise funds for a Real Doll so I can have sex again, since women got too retarded to have sex with without feeling like a diddler of the feeble-minded. This is the dilemma that Satan will face when he returns. Perhaps you should fund my GRS, so he can have an intelligent woman to return to.

You can send donations snail mail to

Vincent Ciofani
POB 105
Grayling, MI 49738

or online via the site donation button


Search for CIOFANI at your fav online mp3 retailer and buy one of my mp3s!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How the MSM has been deployed as Weapons of Mass Distraction

Published on Jun 5, 2014
How the MainStream Media has been deployed as Weapons of Mass Distraction and what exactly they're distracting from.
copied video. description reads:
Published on Jan 30, 2014
http://GeoEngineeringWatch.org NOTE - I do not mind if anyone copies my video. DVDs are available through http://GeoEngineeringWatch.org
Planet Earth is under an all out weather warfare assault.
In this video, Dane Wigington gives another presentation in Northern California on the harmful effects of Geoengineering, declaring that there is virtually NO NATURAL WEATHER due to the massive global climate engineering. The very essentials needed to sustain life on earth are being recklessly destroyed by these programs. This is not a topic that will begin to affect us in several years, but is now already causing massive animal and plant die off around the world, as well as human illness.

The debate over whether geoengineering programs are going on is now a moot point. We have more than enough data to confirm it. We have actual footage showing tankers spraying. The materials showing up on the ground are exactly the same materials mentioned in the numerous geoengineering patents and documents. Visit our website for a list of these government patents and documents.

Our skies today are simply not normal. Upon examination this cannot be denied. They are filled with nanoparticulates of heavy metals. But the skies have been filled with grid patterns for so long now that we are used to them and do not see them anymore. Sadly, the fact is that people do not look up.

To be clear, what we are seeing is not cloud seeding to increase rainfall. These particulates are designed to block the sun and move the jet stream. Dane explains how this is causing the drought and deluge being experienced around the globe.

Our atmosphere is nothing but a massive physics lab to geoengineering scientists who have no concern whatsoever about the consequences to humanity or any living thing, including themselves. The experiments are literally tearing the planet apart and destroying life on earth.

Dane reports, among other things, on:
• Geoengineering related climate disruptions, extreme drought and deluge
• Ozone depletion
• Methane release
• Drastic reduction in arctic sea ice
• Global oxygen content reductions
• Oceans on the brink of collapse
• Massive fish die offs
• 200 species becoming extinct every single day
• A drastic rise in Autism, Alzheimer's, and Dementia
• Crisis level forest reductions
• The sterilization of soils making it impossible for plants to grow without Monsanto's aluminum resistant seeds

Dane Wigington presents hard data which reveals what these catastrophic programs have done to our planet to date and what they will do if they are allowed to continue. Please take the time to watch this video, follow up with some investigation of your own on our site -- http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org, and share this information far and wide.

Thank you,
GeoengineeringWatch Staff
More proof:
USAF Enviromental Specialist Kristen Meghan | Blows Whistle On Air Force | Chemtrail Chemicals http://youtu.be/rAxXyMAmBMs
Trailer video: Geoengineeringwatch Obama Update, Denial and Deception http://youtu.be/beXEWf8kWuQ
After examination of what is said in this lecture, I have to conclude that there is definitely climate engineering programs that are federally funded, and they are being used to control our weather. Maybe not every jet airplane with a vapor trail is part of this but there are definitely photographs of chemical spray equipment in large airplane interiors, and examples of this are shown in this video. Moreover, if a country has the power to control weather, then it would definitely be a secret project. I conclude that we are being used like laboratory rats. Robert Exter (videographer of this film)


I pirated this blog for fundraising purposes: To raise funds for a Real Doll so I can have sex again, since women got too retarded to have sex with without feeling like a diddler of the feeble-minded. This is the dilemma that Satan will face when he returns. Perhaps you should fund my GRS, so he can have an intelligent woman to return to.

You can send donations snail mail to

Vincent Ciofani
POB 105
Grayling, MI 49738

or online via the site donation button


Search for CIOFANI at your fav online mp3 retailer and buy one of my mp3s!

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