Monday, May 9, 2016

Calling Celebs On Their Influence: 70 MILLION Homeless Pets!

Published on Sep 10, 2015
Calling Celebs On Their Influence: 70 MILLION Homeless Pets! Wait until ya'll and your mamas are time looped as the animals that suffered due to your whack influence! Then, you'll never exist to perpetuate those offenses upon those animals who never did anything to your whack retarded asses!

 #Thicke #Miley #MileyCyrus #Snoop #Dre #Drake #ChrisBrown #Rihanna #Eminem #LebronJames #MichaelVick #AlSharpton #Jessejackson #CeeLoGreene #BlakeShelton #sports #rap #hiphop #Kimye #Kanye #KimKardashian #CaitlynJenner #ParisHilton #Kesha #Beyonce #Jay-Z #DMX #GhostFaceKilla #MissyElliot #TaylorSwift #KobeBryant #KatyPerry #Oprah #WhoopiGoldberg #JustinBieber #BradPitt #JohnnyDepp #ChrisRock #Madonna #BritneySpears #LadyGaga #ZacEfron #JenniferLopez #TomCruise #KanyeWest #OprahWinfrey #JustinTimberlake #BenAffleck #JenniferLawrence #SelenaGomez #MeganFox #GeorgeClooney #NickiMinaj #JimmyFallon #WillSmith #AshtonKutcher #HalleBerry #KhloeKardashian #BrooklynBeckham #RobKardashian #EllenDeGeneres #ShiaLaBeou f#SandraBullock #Ne-Yo #LamarOdom #LindsayLohan #50Cent #Usher #CurtisJackson #SimonCowell #NonexistentVsExistent #CartoonishSignsWonders #TedNugent 
~~ #TrollBait


I pirated this blog for fundraising purposes: To raise funds for a Real Doll so I can have sex again, since women got too retarded to have sex with without feeling like a diddler of the feeble-minded. This is the dilemma that Satan will face when he returns. Perhaps you should fund my GRS, so he can have an intelligent woman to return to.

You can send donations snail mail to

Vincent Ciofani
POB 105
Grayling, MI 49738

or online via the site donation button


Search for CIOFANI at your fav online mp3 retailer and buy one of my mp3s!

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