Published on Mar 26, 2015
Pirated Audio: ObamaCare Disqualified Obama As The Beast...the money-grubbing angle of the ACA disqualified Obama as the bigger, supernatural Beast so many people think he is. He qualifies more as the "little" (impersonator) beast who suffers a great wound to his head for crossing too many lines against God, Christ, and Lucifer. He'll never graduate from this (spirit scan) simulation device and, when he dies, will be time looped as all of his victims and ripple effects victims (like victims of Muslim Islamic infidels and ISIS) before he is eternally executed to never exist in this simulation mechanism to contaminate it with his weak-mindedness.
The REAL Beast will be working a BEYOND this planet agenda that Obama and his white devil masters would never be able to comprehend due to their diminished capacity, a consequence for daring to use their minds to think against God's end time Elect (hidden among the "Christian" demographic their temporal agenda calls for killing-off).
I pirated this blog for fundraising purposes: To raise funds for a Real Doll so I can have sex again, since women got too retarded to have sex with without feeling like a diddler of the feeble-minded. This is the dilemma that Satan will face when he returns. Perhaps you should fund my GRS, so he can have an intelligent woman to return to.
You can send donations snail mail to
Vincent Ciofani
POB 105
Grayling, MI 49738
or online via the site donation button
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