Friday, May 6, 2016

True History of Rap/Hip-Hop Is Racism & Weakness

Published on Sep 10, 2015
This is a snippet from a video about the consequences for weaponizing weather (and vandalism and terrorism) are the same for the perps, those who influence it, those who enable it, and those who condone it: When they die, they'll by time looped as the men (they could never be equal to) while those men build the structures they vandalized/destroyed, and they'll be time looped as all victims of those offenses.
How Madonna, not having the proper level of talent (passing off sexuality and materialism as "talent"), opened the door for Rap/Hip-Hop to exhibit grotesque racial and mental weakness before the genre even became popular when it destroyed MTV for everyone that MTV was created for just to start their own channel for their "genre", later, anyway. They were so weak-minded and racist that they could only see things in "color" and insisted that Rap was not on MTV due to the color of the rappers. They refused to accept that it was a GENRE thing, as they refused to see that we didn't want (white) Christian and Country and Jazz acts on our Heavy Metal/Rock channel neither. They did not have the levels of talent of the Metal and Rock musicians that we were fans of, who could play Bass and guitars and drums and could SING. The rappers were a bunch of ridiculous ghetto-fabulous racist little clown-shoes who took other peoples' artistic expressions (music it took them years to hone the ability to play) and sh!t all over it with lame talking to the "beat". They had nothing to offer the MTV audience, not even with the betrayal (of the craft) of the Aerosmith sell-outs to Run-DMC, yet they had to bully their way in with "Yo! MTV Raps" which single-handedly destroyed MTV...MTV then lost their audience, US (the Metal and Rock fans who were not stupid enough to be entertained by untalented posers/monsters behind mics), and MTV then resorted to other "shows" (leaving videos behind) as a format, which opened the door for further dumb-down perpetuation upon the masses via reality shows of the utterly talentless and grotesque...All started with the compromise of allowing Madonna to turn music into a secret prostitution ring where talent was no longer on the forefront...Madonna and Sharpton began the perpetuation of the fulfillment of the "5th Woe", which is the death (of the spirituality) of music...Now, real music is not heard, as the sub-spirits stole the culture AND the most spiritual instrument on the planet via drum machines, drum trigger kits, and auto-tune; none of which exist in the real world (nor do the weak-minded who were entertained by it).
How Oprah exposed her Black-Faced Caucasianist agenda when she funded "Selma", which is a direct BACKwards portrayal...The white devil who the movie portrays as the "villain" is actually the person who thought up what MLK did. The president did NOT try to stop MLK, he made the suggestion that he do what he did. NOW you see the REAL Oprah for what she is: bought by the white man to continue to dumb you down with mis-info disguised as "facts"...Selma was a travesty and an assault on all stupid Blacks who won't bother to research the subject matter.
The vile little Caucasianist director of that POS (Selma) took the idea from a magazine ARTICLE! The stupid phantom didn't even bother to do any research! Then, the movie portrays the president as resistant to what HE, himself, suggested! It's such an assault on Black people, especially in their current dumbed down state (due to rap and sports and reality shows), that if a white person had made that movie they'd be protested and "outed" and ostracized. Selma, as you see it, is like a movie made by the KKK, designed to keep Blacks zombified, racist and trigger-able to violence...Well that's what it seems like to any intelligent soul who sees what's happening. Anyone truly "Black" should be ashamed to recommend seeing Selma. It's mind rape, like rap and sports and reality shows.


I pirated this blog for fundraising purposes: To raise funds for a Real Doll so I can have sex again, since women got too retarded to have sex with without feeling like a diddler of the feeble-minded. This is the dilemma that Satan will face when he returns. Perhaps you should fund my GRS, so he can have an intelligent woman to return to.

You can send donations snail mail to

Vincent Ciofani
POB 105
Grayling, MI 49738

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